Jo, her son, and I went to Pumpkin Nights at Pioneer Farms. I enjoy watching what energy people are drawn to when we go there. Oma, the big tree, was so unhappy to be blocked by a giant photo booth but loved that we gave her an offering. We snuck into the Kruger farm and secretly went to Ms. Bell's house.
I took these images by pressing my cell phone against the house's windows. Since it was dark, I turned on the flash to see if I could catch the inside changes in the house. I took three consecutive images. Two were just a long stream of light that I thought was produced by the flash. The third is the image I was expecting. When I zoomed in on the streams of light, it revealed what appeared to be pane windows with a man in them.
The problem is, there are no pane windows at the Bell house. Also, what happened to the room? Your thoughts?

What a great discussion last night with our online community. Thank you all for sharing how you receive energy. Its amazing what knowing your not alone does. Here are a few images we shared. To get the story behind them, join us next week.
It looks like a semi-bald man wearing a white shirt and tie - though the second image, I see a little more of a… I don’t want to say sinister… but something that sparks a very uneasy feeling in my stomach.