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Hello all!!
I was in the Foundations I course and I was wondering if a follow up course was coming up? I just don't want to miss it but I have this really cool skill of forgetting most things so I hope I did not miss it! LOL!! You guys are a fab group! I hope summer is being good to you all!
Hey yall, thanks so much for hosting this series. It's really great to have a safe space to discuss vulnerable topics like this with the guidance of experienced folks! Since the Wednesday online sessions are booked up, I figured I'd ask this question here.
I've been a lifelong vivid dreamer, and I have a strong ability to recall full details of several dreams from every night. While I've not yet experienced any dreams with premonitions or predictions, I have been dreaming recently of my deceased grandmother and my still living grandpa. The flavor of these dreams feels distinctly different from most other dreams I have.
This lead me into pondering whether I may be starting to get a little closer to something out of my typical experiences. Even as a kid, I sought out books on developing psychic abilities, but have never had anything really happen despite my intense desire to connect with unseen energies.
Not really sure what my central thesis is here, I just feel like there's a weird shift happening in my sleep. I'm curious as to what you all see this as, or if I'm perhaps probing into nothing as I don't seem to have a gift for the spiritual.
Cheers and thanks, stay warm out there!🌿💖
I'm aware the current course has already started. In hindsight I wish I would have signed up for it but ended up not doing it so I'm hoping it will be offered again. Thanks!
Foundations I will be offered again in March. Registration will open up first week in February.
I'm at the beginning of understanding a new perspective on consciousness and reality that includes the paranormal. "The Power of Now" is a good baseline for where I seem to be heading with my new understanding.
Along with that has come a renewed belief in the expanded perceptive abilities of humans.
I, however, have always been an analytical/logical person. My readings are suggesting that is a barrier to awakening whatever ability I may have.
The closet I've had to paranormal experiences were a dream visit from my Grandpa and a method I use for finding things that involves clearing my mind and visualizing the thing I'm looking for and following where it feels like it should be. It's not reliable in a way that I'd call a "gift," just something I do. I'm starting with meditaion. It's been good for me in a lot of ways. I'm in a rural town in the Bible Belt so there's no resources physically here. Any tips on getting started or even if it's possible for a hyper-logical person such as myself? Some online assessment at a website by Dr. Lesley Phillips peggged me as a logical type for whom awakening would be diffficult if not impossible. Thank you.
Michael, logic is not a block it is simply a different way of learning. It's not impossible, it requres a differnt perspective from who you're learning from. There are a lot of logical intuative practitioners in our group.
This ability is about connecting and being aware of what most people…
Dreams are a place where we can learn, communicate, and sort things out. It's also the place that it is safe to experience the metaphysical without fear. I encourage you to document your dreams and every now and then review them. Look for patterns and messages that only the review…